ektorp sofa cover

Owners of sofas and armchairs that come from IKEA stores are very pleased with their quality, comfort and solidity. The one problem is that these products are available only in a few coloristic versions. Each model has got only three or four colors and it is difficult to match them with different types of interior designs and buying untypical patterns and colors is impossible. Fortunately the offer of Soferia is very rich and it includes special products called ektorp sofa cover. These covers are made of solid textiles that provide comfort. They are resistant to many types of mechanical damages and their life is very long even in case of very frequent usage. The next important advantage is the fact that each model of ektorp sofa cover is available in different colors and patterns, so everyone is allowed to order these products and they will meet very strict requirements. Each client has got the access to free samples of material and he or she is allowed to prepare individual and unique projects of covers.

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